Trackday Mugello Circuit
Thursday, 03.04.2025
Information about the event
Experience one of Europe’s most beautiful and challenging race tracks – the Mugello Circuit! Located in the stunning hills of Tuscany, this 5.2 km track offers fast corners, long straights, and exciting elevation changes for an unforgettable driving experience.
What to expect
- Free driving on the world-famous MotoGP and Formula 1 test circuit
- Group division according to vehicle type (road legal / non-road legal)
- No racing license required – just register and get started!
- Access to the Pistenclub box for relaxing, chatting and networking with other club members and sports drivers
- Italian atmosphere & breathtaking scenery
- Guided laps for beginners with professional instructors
- Active Coaching with our experienced instructors
- Discover Tuscany – the perfect combination of motorsport and enjoyment
Voraussetzungen zur Teilnahme
Tracktaugliches Fahrzeug in technisch einwandfreiem Zustand
Gültiger Führerschein der Klasse B
Helmpflicht für Fahrer und Beifahrer
Nach der Buchung ist eine Haftungsausschlusserklärung zu unterschreiben
Einhaltung unserer Fahrregeln und Sicherheitsvorgaben
Driver training on a track that is closed to public traffic during the event. The purpose of the event is not to achieve top speeds or to determine the shortest riding time, but to optimise riding skills and technique. The aim of the event is to improve riding safety for road traffic.
Date of the eventThursday, 3. April 2025
Start of the event08:00 Uhr
End of the event18:00 Uhr
Price per vehiclefrom 890€
GroupsThere are two groups by turns, divided into road legal vehicles and non-road legal vehicles.
Noise limitValve exhaust systems must remain closed. On vehicles without street approval, the noise requirements of the vehicle-specific homolocation must be complied with.
Trackday support
On-site services:
Tyre pressure service, tyre sales and mounting, brake service with fluid change, emergency repairsPlease pre-order tyres and spare parts.

- overcast clouds
Thursday6 °C/3 °C
Friday10 °C/5 °C
Saturday9 °C/9 °C
Sunday10 °C/9 °C
08:00Registration in the Pistenclub box
08:30Drivers briefingMandatory for all participants
09:00 - 13:00Free drivingAlternating in 2 groups
13:00 - 14:00Lunch break
14:00 - 18:00Free drivingAlternating in 2 groups
Subject to change without notice. As a registered participant, you will receive the final schedule by e-mail shortly before the event. Please arrive on time to avoid long waiting times at the registration desk.
Mugello Circuit
Die legendäre Rennstrecke in der Toskana
Der Mugello Circuit ist eine 5,2 km lange Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke in der malerischen Toskana, bekannt für ihre flüssigen Kurven, anspruchsvollen Höhenunterschiede und langen Geraden. Die moderne Strecke, die im Besitz von Ferrari ist, wird regelmäßig für MotoGP- und GT-Rennen genutzt und bietet Fahrern eine perfekte Mischung aus Technik und Speed. Mit erstklassiger Infrastruktur und atemberaubender Kulisse zählt Mugello zu den faszinierendsten Rennstrecken Europas.